BloggingU101, Book Reviews, Quotes

Blogging 101 Alumni feature

dr suess.jpgHappy Friday!!!!!!!

I have decided to step up and become a much more active member  on our little community. So, to celebrate this I’m sharing my favourite quotes in our new FRIDAY Feature – 3 quotes.

One of the most fun set of books to read aloud to children are the Dr Suess books. Dr Suess is actually the pen name for Author and illustrator Theodor Seuss Geisel. His books have become some of the most popular children’s books of all time selling over 600 million copies which have been translated into more than 20 languages. He adopted the pen name Dr Suess during his time at Dartmouth college and the University of Oxford. He worked as an illustrator for many years and during WW2 he worked as an animator for the animation department of the United States of America government. After the war, he concentrated on his children’s books and has published over 60, many of which have become films, Tv series and even a broadway musical.


Image found here








Image Found here

hello alex

#NaBloPoMo15, 2015, Blogging, BloggingU101, NaBloPoMo15, New Zealand

Link parties

I know we are not all here to write blog posts to reach the masses, some of us are just here to let loose, write for therapy. But whatever your motives are Link ups and link parties are a great way to get your blog posts out to a wider readership but also to find a more diverse selection of blogs to read. I try and participate in a wide range of link ups to build up the readership of my blog. It really works. When I make an effort to link up I can see the difference in my stats.

Now, what is a link party I hear you ask. Imagine this.

Day to day, we all go about our own business, but once in a while we go to a party and meet up with friends. Imagine now going to a party where you don’t know anyone, you chat to new people and make some new friends. This is a link up. You go to a blog and know no one, but leave your blog link and maybe visit a few new blogs and find some great new content to read.

To help you link up there is a wide range of link ups depending on what type of blog niche you have. Here are some that I have found.

My favourite is over at Dream big, Dream often there is a weekly chance to leave a link and either have it reblogged or just linked up with everyone else in the comments.

A lot of sites will have a directory of link ups they have found or use. Many will have a variety of different link up themes. So there should be one for your blog’s niche and every day of the week.

Here are some that I try and use.

Sunday – niftythriftythings

Monday – Newman’s Corner

Wednesday – Chaotic bliss

Thursday – for the love to

Friday – My Creative Scoop

Go on, put on your dancing shoes and go link up with some new friends to be. If you find any new Link ups come back and share them with us. 




Blogging, BloggingU101, Life, photo spotlight, photography, Travel

Photo spotlight

The last task of blogging 101 was to create a weekly feature on your blog.  Lots of people jumped to the task straight away but as travel blogger, also speaking to other travel bloggers,  I struggled to think of something which would fit with my theme and be flexible.  So I have come up with a photography spotlight.  It will just be a chance for me and anyone who wants to join to share their favourite travel photos. Past or present. I may go with a theme for some weeks but this is still developing.

I will post a theme if there is one on a Sunday night. This week we will go with colour, I love taking pictures of displays of colourful items, sometimes laid out in rainbows and sometimes just my favourite colours grouped together.

Please post to your own blog and leave a link in the comments if you want to share a picture. I will do a round up of the week the week after.

Please share your favourite picture,  include more in your post if you like, but highlight the favourite for all to see.

I hope you enjoy and get inspired.

A Wandering Woman’s Travels

Blogging, BloggingU101, Life, photography, Tea and Cakes

Tea and Cake Tuesday

So for day 13 of our blogging U 101 we were asked to try another blogging event. Off i went in search of something which calls to me and that would fit in with this blog. What do i find but Tea and cake Tuesday, perfect. Here is what i have to do….. Continue reading “Tea and Cake Tuesday”

Awards, Blogging, BloggingU101, Life

Liebster Award


So thanks need to go to meloheart for my nomination for this award, you can’t know how much this means.

1. If you could travel anywhere tomorrow, where would it be?

Fiji, i’m struggling through the middle of winter and need some sunshine.

2. What is the simplest thing that makes you smile?

A cup of tea and a good book.

3. What do you like about your hometown?

It’s only small and everyone knows everyone there.
4. What is the best meal you can prepare?

I make some awesome potato wedges.

5. What’s your favorite chore to do at home?

I’m not a fan of house work but i quite like tidying and putting things back in their place.

6. What’s your favorite book?

The hitch hikers guide to the galaxy by Douglas Adams and a close second is The Lord of the Rings.

7. What’s the very first thing you would do if you won the lottery?

Travel more, see point 1.

8. What’s your favorite fruit or vegetable?

I’m one of the strange ones who loves Brussel sprouts, lol.
9. How many times have you fallen in love?


10. What was your favorite game or toy as a child?

I had a fluffy toy polar bear.

11. What’s your favorite beverage?


Once you are nominated, make a post thanking and linking the person who nominated you
.– Include the Liebster Award sticker in the post too.
– Nominate 5 -10 other bloggers who you feel are worthy of this award. Let them know they have been nominated by commenting on one of their posts. You can also nominate the person who nominated you.
– Ensure all of these bloggers have less than 200 followers.
– Answer the eleven questions asked to you by the person who nominated you, and make eleven questions of your own for your nominees or you may use the same questions.
– Lastly, COPY these rules in the post.

Onto the Nominations from me:

Meg Sorrick – writes betters than she dresses

Stories from a drifter


I am kira

Pursuit of life


Congratulations guys and the questions are as above and pass on some blogging love!!

Blogging, BloggingU101, Life, Travel

Daily prompt

In response to The Daily Post’s writing prompt: “Through the Window.”

During my travels i spent many hours looking through windows of Buses, Planes, Trains, Cars and Boats.

mirror shot
Through the window on the Great Ocean Road
Through the window on the way to The Coromandels
seeing animals through the glass
seeing animals through the glass