New Zealand, photography, Travel

Postcards from ……. Wellington Part 1

This week i really wanted to share the photos i have taken from my most recent trip.  We will take a break from our normal scheduling to bring you The Postcards from Wellington Series (I felt a bit like a tv announcer announcing an important news bulletin lol). – Alex

postcards from wellington 1 title

I have just got back from a long weekend away in Wellington, New Zealand’s small but perfectly formed capital city.

We took the train down from Auckland on the Scenic Railway route. It was a beautiful carriage with large windows, clear lugage racks and top windows so you can see the sky as well. We had a viewing carriage with open windows either side to enjoy the views from both sides. There was also a running commentary on what we could see with some history on the area for most of the journey. We past through a large chunk of the north island on the journey and will try and detail which pictures are from where but some i’m really sure where we were lol. It was all very beautiful!!

I hope you enjoyed the photo journey.

Check out my series on our recent trip there in my

Postcards from Wellington Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 and Part 5

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