New Zealand, photography, Travel, Wellington

Postcards from Wellington Part 2

Te Papa

So on our first full day in Wellington we decided to visit Te papa. This is the national museum of New Zealand it covers a wide range of areas from the natural world and local environment to history of the Maori and New Zealand.  We spent most of the day here as there is much to see, The most amount of time was spent in the newest exhibition Gallipoli: the scale of our war. We did queue for about 45 mins to get in but it was well worth it.

The Gallipoli exhibition is to mark the centenary. Inside each section was a giant (2.4 times bigger than a person) created by Weta studios. It explains and gives an insight into New Zealands first campaign in World War 1 through the eyes and words of eight ordinary New Zealanders experiences. There is Interactive displays including 3-D maps and projections and a chance to get close to some of the artefacts.

We took a tour around the rest of exhibits but nothing really compared to the Gallipoli one. They were good but i have been to many museums and this was very similar to all the rest. The Maori parts were interesting and gave some more insights into the history.

Are you visiting Wellington?

wellington title 2

Check out my series on our recent trip there in my

Postcards from Wellington Part 1, Part 3, Part 4 and Part 5

7 thoughts on “Postcards from Wellington Part 2”

  1. I would have been fascinated by the Gallipoli display, too. Someday, I’d like to write a book about World War 1. It is such a horrible, yet intriguing period of history. If you ever make it to Ypres, Belgium, there is a wonderful museum called “In Flanders Fields” – named after the poem. Your photos of the Gallipoli exhibit reminded me of that. Also, the rest of your photos are awesome, too! Wellington looks like a cool place to visit!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s mostly my boyfriend who is interested in the war. I’m an ancient history type. However it was interesting and I’m sure he would be interested in going to that museum. It was an awesome place to go and there are more lol. Alex

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Another reason to visit New Zealand ! I am becoming so so interested in visiting your beautiful country you have no idea! Another one for my bucket (well I guess I need a giant barrel , a bucket won’t do) list 😉


    1. Lol I’m the same. I’m not a kiwi, I’m on a two year working holiday visa here so getting as much as I can before I have to go home. Glad you enjoyed the post and there will be more. Alex

      Liked by 1 person

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