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Auckland, Books

For the love of books and Libraries

purse and library card

I love going get new books. So this week i joined Auckland libraries. I got a great library card and headed in to explore the books. ( I love the Maori design on the card)

I picked up a couple of books and a copy of the Lonely planet magazine. I also ordered a stack of books from other libraries in the area which would be sent to my local library. I haven’t had a chance to read much of the books yet but i love Having a pile of books waiting for the time to be right when i can settle down and read them.

My library to be read pile:

I’m having a love affair with books which inspire travel

I’m also loving all the attempts at reading books from around the world
I have a strange liking for books about books and reading
New books in a fantasy series i read years ago and had forgotten about

So thats what i will be reading in the coming month.

What’s on your TBR list?

Do you have any suggestions for books i might like?

Other bookish links can be found on my Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest pages. Don’t forget to follow my blog so you don’t miss out on the weekly book post.

Happy Reading!!

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